How to run Discoverer Reports in Multi-Org Environment?

How to run Discoverer Reports in Multi-Org Environment?

When you are working in R12 MOAC environment, sometimes discoverer reports which are based on some context based view will not give data. Then do the following setup to make the discoverer reports work in MOAC environment.

1)      Create a Security Profile in HR

1)      Run concurrent program Security List Maintenance

1)      Tag this profile to MO: Security Profile option at responsibility level.

1)      Update profile option “Initialization SQL Statement – Custom” with following pl/sql block at responsibility level.

begin if (fnd_profile.value(‘XLA_MO_SECURITY_PROFILE_LEVEL’)= 0) then mo_global.init(‘S’); else GL_SECURITY_PKG.init(); mo_global.init(‘M’); end if; end;

When multiple organizations are included in Security Profile: TEST SECURITY PROFILE, This profile is attached to resp Discoverer EUL Management.


4 Responses to How to run Discoverer Reports in Multi-Org Environment?

  1. Steven says:

    Hi Dibyajyoti,

    Do the Multi-Org setup steps also apply for Oracle 11i or are they different?



    • Hi Steven,

      If your Oracle Apps version is 11.5.10 or above and the packages (GL_SECURITY_PKG and mo_global) are there in apps schema, then it should work.

      Can refer the below metalink note and links for more details into the subject.

      •Metalink Note: Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Access Control for Custom Code [ID 420787.1]


  2. Dibyajyothi,

    1 quick suggestion in terms of using “Initialization SQL Statement – Custom” profile option.
    I don’t recommend using this profile option for Discoverer.

    This profile option works well for Discoverer; but would have impact while using a couple of major functionalities thru Custom Responsibilities.

    Here is an example that we’ve noticed at a client, once we’ve enabled this profile option:
    * In Receivables, we wouldn’t be able to create Receipts from the Custom Responsibilities, for which this profile option is set.

    Recommended Approach:
    Follow the steps specified in Metalink Document: 732826.1. This shouldn’t impact any other Seeded Functionalities.

    Kesava Chunduri

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